Hot tub star ceiling

Imagine unwinding in a hot tub with warm bubbly water swishing around you, and as you look up, starlights in the ceiling gently twinkle above your head – sounds fantastic, right? Our latest project was just that: a lighting panel for a salon's new hot tub room.

The salon owner called us just before Christmas to say that she was expanding her operations with a new hot tub in a brand new building extension and asked whether we could provide a star ceiling.  The LED star ceiling panels can be specially made in waterproof materials and so there is no problem providing lighting for humid areas such as above a hot tub.

The Sky Portal design appealed to the owner but there was no need for spotlighting as the outside of the room already had spotlights built-in.  As our lighting panels are all made to order, we are able to change the design to get exactly what the customer wants, so removing the spotlights from the standard design was a simple modification.  Through our discussions, we agreed that rather than having the circular panel shown in our gallery, actually a square area of starlight within the Sky Portal concept would complement the square design of the hot tub, and so a square-in-square design was developed for this site.

Within eight weeks the custom-designed Sky Portal was manufactured and delivered.  We hope to get some photos of the starlight ceiling when it's up and twinkling, and maybe we'll even pop by one day for a session in the hot tub under the stars.  How relaxing!


A trip to the fair!